Greetings from Holland, Michigan


From: Doyle Passmore, Pastor of Lakeshore House of Prayer

Hello, EFI family from one of your northern outposts in Michigan. We have been enjoying one of the most beautiful summers in my memory of 50 years of living in the north. Life has gone on in a relatively normal way since the COVID-19 plague came to our shores earlier this year. However, it has been interesting to observe the extreme human reactions to this pandemic. For some, it meant going into a panicky, ultimate shut-down mode, and for others, they have continued to live life as they did before, as far as possible.

I am no sociologist, but I would surmise that the various reactions were primarily based on how much mainstream news programming one was watching. I suggested to our church that we fast of all media outlets and replaced the time with good sound and biblical preaching and teaching from our Christian cable TV outlets. 

I did this for eight days. The difference that I experienced did not fall short of remarkable and miraculous. I enjoyed noticeably more peace, calmness, grace, patience, and self-control. Eliminating what was largely negative secular news and filling the void with almost all positive input from Biblical teaching and preaching was transformative. Several members of our congregation participated and experienced the same. I strongly recommend it to each of you.

Our church is a church that was founded on and is based on the power of prayer as well. We are not willing to simply accept the status quo but believe that God has provided the platform of prayer to supernaturally change the circumstances and atmosphere of our lives and nation. Jesus placed great emphasis on proper prayer in the Sermon on the Mount writings of Matt. Ch. 5, 6, & 7. If our circumstances are painful and toxic, we can change them through prayer. Hallelujah! Consider the power of Heb. 11:6, Matt. 6:33, Jm. Ch. 5. Blessings and love to you all. 


Overcome by Grace Ministries in Williamston, NC