Why Los Molinos, Why Now?

My Wife Deborah and I have each been actively serving the Lord for over 40yrs,

everything from teaching toddlers to preaching to very large crowds. We have served with, and

attended countless Churches all over the United States and Mexico: yet rarely have either of us

participated in what we are seeing today in Los Molinos CA. Before I go on let me say that

what is going on here in no way minimizes the impact that every dedicated servant of God is

having in the realm of their influence. I am however sharing that what we are experiencing with

a small group of dedicated followers of Christ in Los Molinos CA rivals anything we have ever

participated in.

This small Church on the Corner of Orange and Cone is housed in an aged, well kept,

small building equipped with two restrooms, and seating for around 60, and yet it is defying it’s

Worldly boundaries. This body has simply determined to answer the call of the Lord and care

for their neighbors. Each Week they provide an average of 200 families with a delivery of

complete meals. The week before Christmas they picked up 6000 pounds of food ! Yes, I said

6000 pounds!! That by the way is up from the 5000 pounds given last month, and is not in any

way the sum of all they deliver. This food is not sitting in a warehouse rotting, no every drop of

it is being given away, FOR FREE! Every week, fruit, vegetables, meats, breads, and so much

more are bagged up and handed out to those in need.

The most obvious results of this selfless commitment to Feed the poor, (of which there

are many), has resulted in blessings beyond imagination! People accepting Christ, returning to

the Church, even coming to serve and help pass out food to others. The opportunities for

prayer and the consequential miraculous occurrences accompanying those prayers are

countless! They have even had people donate vehicles to deliver the food! Oh and lest I forget,

they only began the ministry of serving food this current year of 2021!

Did I mention that the Pastors drive over 150 Miles one way each week to serve these

folks? Did I mention that most weeks there are prayer services on, Friday, and Saturday

evenings followed by a Morning service on Sunday, a Bible study, then a Sunday evening

Service? Not to mention the Hispanic Bible Study on Wednesday Evenings? Did I mention that

every service is Bilingual, that we are joined by our Hispanic Community at every gathering?

Miracles, Signs, and Wonders, yes you bet, deliverances, healings, repentance, you bet,

but not because this is all they seek, no because they seek to serve the King in all humility,

glorifying the Lord. No fancy lights, cameras, expensive sound systems, no smoke, no mirrors,

just Jesus, being lived out, walked out, worshipped, and taught, imagine that!

Imagine this, a community being transformed, one life, one meal, one prayer at a time.

No hype, just love, just obedience, just real people, doing what they can to love their neighbors

as themselves, imagine that! My friends this is what I would call revival, true revival, and I for

one cannot wait to see these weekly increasing disciples of Christ, grow in Him and bring forth

more Kingdom fruit than we could ever imagine. Deborah and I are humbled by their dedication

and service, and honored to serve alongside each and every one of them, thats why Los

Molinos CA, that’s why Spirit of Life Church, what a great name!

-Pastors Gene and Deborah Burroughs (Arise Ministries)


Renovate and Celebrate!


Advocate’s Reach (A New Normal)